Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Take Over (1st painting)

Last Breathe (3rd painting)

Complete Control (4th painting)

Painting 1 Critique

This was my very first painting ever call the "Take Over". I choose to draw a eye, and found  out it was alittle harder then I thought. I first I was just going to draw a eye as real as I could, but was having trouble. So I just did one abstract. Then I saw a face in the art work and decided to make like a demon taking control of the eye. This was the first stage of take over.

I choose to make the eye white, the background black and the demon red. It had a lot of lines that are drawn together to found a weird and strange picture of an eye. The mood is really up to the viewer. I believe it is really scary and maybe demented. I really like this piece for my first painting. It came out a lot better then I thought.

Painting 2 Critique

This was my second painting call the " Demon Inside", and is really where you see the angriness for the monster as he is gaining more control of the eye. I enjoyed this painting because I love to draw fire and never have painting it before. I must say that I was impressed with how the flames came out. Now there is always room for improvement with my shading but that will take practice.

I stuck pretty much with the same colors black, and red but instead of white, I add orange and yellow to bring out the flames. I made the demons face alittle more visible to show him coming alive. Also I used the flames to run into the eye causing it to bleed. This painting mood is very dark and scary.

Demon Inside (2nd Painting)

Painting 3 Critique

This painting is call "Last Breathe" and was painted completely different then all the rest. Instead of using paint brushes, I used my fingers. I wanted to use a lot of paint and the brushes just weren't working. I made this totally abstract, to where you can almost make out the eye, and see the demon's face completely transforming the eye into something else.

The eye I made blue, because I wanted to symbolize like the last breathe of the eye before the demon takes full control. There aren't made shapes, just a bunch of thick lines of paint that I smeared with my finger in a pattern to look like a tornado hit the painting. I used red, yellow, and orange to represent all the chaos happening in the picture.

Painting 4 Critque

This was the last painting of the four and is call "Complete Control". This is where the demon is no longer in the picture, but is inside the eye and has control. Its made up of random shapes that come together as one to represent an eye.

I used just red and black colors on this piece, to let the viewer know the eye is completely different. This was fun to paint because it was a little less basic, and a little bit easier. The mood is calm but yet fierce, letting the audience figure out that demon is the eye now.